Pada pikio teman,
Kepada DAP pulak, jangan gatai nak letak calon Melayu. Belum masanye lagi. Tungguler PRU 14 baru boleh letak. Itupun kene tengak mood pengundi di masa itu. Kalo letak juge, UMNO akan mainkan sentimen yang DAP Melayu akan jadi MB Perak. Kalo tak percaye, kome terailer letak. Teman gerenti semua calon Melayu PKR dan PAS akan haup diratah UMNO. Pengundi ataih pagor tentu tak sokong PR kalo DAP gatai juge letak calon Melayu.
Teman suka mengulang semula apa yang teman pernah sarankan dulu. Kalo PR diizinkan lagi oleh Allah memerintah Perak, lantikler tiga exco DAP, tiga exco PAS dan empat exco PKR. Dua exco PKR mestiler sorang Cina dan sorang lagi India. Yang penting exco bukan Melayu tidak melebihi lima orang. Janganler DAP mintak jumlah exco macam dedulu. Walaupun DAP tak ngocah Melayu, tetapi isu DAP kontrol Melayu akan sentiasa subur dimainkan oleh UMNO.
Manjungmari said...
Harapan tu biarlah kesemua pimpinan Pakatan rakyat dapat membaca mike punya idea, dan melaksanakannya...
mcm jamai dan mr os memang ghyup lerr PKR
looes74 said...
Let me begin by saying this. In an event that Pakatan Rakyat win with a convincing 2/3 majority, in my opinion, few things must remain:
1) Nizar shall be elected as MB
2) Ngeh Koo Ham shall be Senior Exco if possible, amend constituition so as to provide the provision of Deputy MB
3) Sivakumar as the Speaker
4) Tai Sing Ng as one of the PKR Exco. For his unwavered loyalty
Frankly speaking, I felt that we shall not impose any racial composition in the EXCO lineup. Such action as suggested by Mamamat would also anger the non malays. Lets Perakians as Perakians iresspectively of race, religion and creed
Given the fact that DAP has been more succesful as compared to PKR & PAS where they have won all seats that has been allocated to them 18 of them. DAP should be allowed to increase to 23 to 25 and become a slightly larger political party within Pakatan Rakyat Perak.
PAS should be focussed on grabbing at leats 12 more seats. Based on the facts that UMNO won those seats less than 2000 votes. More resources should be poured in to those areas. Hence increasing the share to at least 17 seats (Trong lost to UMNO during the Bukit Gantang by election)
PKR shall be relegated to a junior party. If PKR Perak chairman can get good calibre aduns to run for Perak state assembly, perhaps they shall give way to DAP & PAS
DAP should be given the chance to field its malay aduns. If 40 years ago,PAP can defeat the UMNOs very badly in the malay held seat (Eunos, Kembangan & Geylang Serai), DAP can do it.
I felt given the chance.
DAP would get 21 ot of 23 seats - including Ayer Kuning, Chenderiang (Mah fella) & Hulu Kinta (Malay voters - less than 70%)
PAS would increase to 18 seats
PKR - 10 seats
Exco line up would be
PAS - 1 MB + 3 Excos
DAP - 1 DM + 1 Speaker + 4 Excos
PKR - 2 Excos + 1 Deputy Speaker
That's my opinion
priory of jenin said...
we have had enough of our malay friends saying nizar boneka cina. and now malay DAP? no F way. you sound like very urban, well those thoughts cannot be applied in perak yet. we are natives, and we speak based on our experiences.
ngeh as TMB? no need. we've had hard times already.
priory of jenin said...
mamamat, kita bawak usul yang mike tulih ni ke konvensyen le. nak?
looes74 said...
That's why it's depends on the budi bicara of Ngeh as Perak DAP chairman as well as Nizar & PKR Perak leader. Even if you force DAP to be a junior party, it would never stop UMNO from attacking Pakatan Rakyat
PAS & PKR must focus on areas that they can win confidently. If you spread your resources too wide, you might not win well. DAP has been very good in 12th GE, focussing heavily on 18 seats. DAP has won all, hasn't it.
Anyway, PKR Perak is not that strong anyway and hence, it's time in focussing on consolidation & strenghtening while PAS need to focus on 12 more seats on top of 6 seats they have won
Remember non malays play a role in guaranteeing victories for PKR as well as PAS aduns.
Just like Perisik Rakyat, why don't you consider in joining DAP. Join in DAP to change the landscape of DAP.
Anyway, it's my opinion. But I believe PAS who is quite shrewd in political manouvring would have understood me well.
I am studying the Perak landscape. I have identified few areas DAP that can go in & in which it would not be in conflict with PKR & PAS.
By the way, I am proposing Nga KM to gun down Mah (MCA) in Chenderiang while seriously considering putting a moderate DAP malay, EXCO calibre in Air Tawar
Those comment that I have mentioned before is of my own personal opinion & does not represent any political party.
I was born in Taiping. Stayed in KK & Ipoh before moving to Singapore. I am not as urban as you think as I can linked my roots in Taiping, Kuala Kangsar & Ipoh
Sometimes, one got to think out of the box. It's perhaps UMNO yang menghantui kita. If DAP not given opportunities to field in malay candidates, how can PAS field in non malay non Islam candidates? and PKR?????
Let's be practical. A Malay MB from DAP? PKR is already having a hard time trying to woo the Kampung Malays. At least that's what happening in my kampung. Is PKR relly strong in Changkat Jering, Behrang, Sungai Manik, Kampung Gajah etc? No need to be so greedy la PKR. You don't have enough manpower at the grasroots! Remember there is also the PRM. It seems this party is perasan and wants to go its own way. So they will contest against PR in next election.
ReplyDeleteDAP stands for democratic Action Party atau Parti Tindakan Rakyat. Aku tak nampak mengapa mereka tidak boleh letak calon Melayu. Kalau MCA aku heran juga sebab pada namanya pun orang tahu perti tu untuk orang Cina! Kalau Melayu DAP bertanding melawan Melayu UMNO, aku lebih rela menyokong calon Melayu DAP.Aku lebih percaya pada DAP yang belum pernah terbukti makan harta rakyat atau menyalahguna kuasa agensi orangramai demi kepentingan parti sendiri macam UMNO-BN. kalau nak cakap pasal berdosa, UMNO dan DAP duakali lima saja, kedua-duanya sekular. Memang PAS pilihan hati tapi kalau tiada pilihan, aku lebih rela menerima Melayu DAP!
ReplyDeleteBetul kata zanie, tapi betul juga apa ynag dirisaukan, ialitu isu akan dimainkan, boleh letak calon melayu di negeri lain, bukan perak, kerana jangan bagi peluang untuk dapatkan isu panas.
ReplyDeleteSekiranya kalau DAP Perak tak meletakkan calun2 melayu di Pilihanraya Dun tergempar Perak, UMNO juga akan mempermainkan isu ini. Bahkan MCA, MIC & Gerakan akan melaga2kan DAP dengan katanya DAP pengecut hanya dengar kepada PAS & PKR
Tibanya masa untuk megeratkan perpaduan and kerjasama erat antara ketiga2 party.
Pakatan Rakyat should stand as Pakatan Rakyat not DAP, PAS & PKR. With these, such propoganda would not break through. Remember not only we need to be concerned of malay votes but non malay votes. Let 3 parties have a more balanced representatives from all races.
Unlike what Yong say. I insist that Nizar shall be MB. Plus with right strategy, PAS would win 18 seats together with PKR , 10 seats. Nizar is the unifier. DAP, main thrust in getting non malay votes but need to move to the centre. PAS has its hand full in 18 seats (Take note I am not saying that PAS only contest in 18 seats, but having full confidence in winning all 18 setas provided if PAS is forced in its objectives of grabbing the seats). PKR still have issues in getting right candidates & should be relegated to Junior party. Hence, enter DAP. It's good to 3 component parties. It's good for Pakatan Rakyat
I disagree the wait till 14th GE. I strongly disagree the forced EXCO compositions. Kalau you tak menyinggung perassan orang2 melayu, apa pulak dengan perasaan orang2 bukan melayu. Mengapa kami kenna bicara pasal perkauman.
Pakatan Rakyat semestinya jauh berbeza dengan BN. Pakatan Rakyat should be one of the kind that put an end to all these racial thingy. I think what Pakatan need is a good Public Relation tactics. No more DAP dissastrous Tanjong campaign. A campaign that win hearts & minds of all Malaysia including majority malay voters.
If DAP got Wan Hamidi like candidates. Why stop them from contesting? You would be surprised that even you have ustaz2 in DAP. Better still, having ustaz2 there & hence change the political landscape of DAP.
Forgive me for being passionate in this matter. However, we need to look beyond of what you propose in order to KaoTim BN-UMNO.
Bukan sahaja, UMNO yang merepek, MCA, MIC & Gerakan too yang merepek.
We must cover all corners in defeating our common enemy
PR buat macam mana pun Umno/Bn tetap buat fitnah!
ReplyDeleteSetuju ngan mamamat.. Belum masa lagi DAP letak calon Melayu. Lagi banyak buruk dari baiknya kepada PR sekiranya DUN Perak bubar.
ReplyDeleteDAP kena betulkan persepsi umum dulu. Setakat nie Melayu yang dikenali dalam DAP cuma Tunku Aziz (mana dia ek?) dan mamat yang jadi ADUN/MP Bayan Baru dulu. Nama pun xingat. Ini menunjukkan DAP masih gagal menonjolkan diri sebagai parti berbilang kaum.
Situasi sekiranya DUN Perak bubar berbeza dengan semasa PAS letak calon India dalam PRU-12. Sebelum 8 Mac, xsapa sangka PR berjaya menambat hati rakyat sampai menang 5 negeri. PAS lebih awal mencuba untuk memecahkan ruang lingkup perkauman sejak dalam Gagasan Rakyat lagi. Berapa tahun punya kerja tu. Itu pun masih kedengaran suara sumbang merata-rata.
Seperti kata Mamamat, PRU14 pun kena tengok dulu berjayakah DAP ubah persepsi DAP parti berbilang kaum. Setakat nie sebut DAP, nampak LKS, LGE, Karpal ngan anak2 dia. Ubah persepsi ini dahulu.
Ingat, politik ialah persepsi
Dah mula berebut-ebut dah. Tak lama lagi adalah politik wang. Sekarang pun dah mula dengar. Ini berjuang untuk rakyat ke atau untuk PAS atau DAP?
ReplyDeleteApa salah DAP letak calon Melayu? DAP bukan parti perkauman. Apa salah kalau PAS nak letak calon bukan Melayu kalau betul parti itu tidak perkauman?
Jangan lupa, dulu PAS dan DAP tak boleh duduk semeja. Mana ada PR sebelum dan semasa PRU-12. PKR lah yang jadi perantara.
Sekarang dua-dua parti dah bengkak kepala, ya? Nak jadikan PKR parti junior. Inilah perangai bangsa kita, mudah lupa!
tn hj suhaimi.
ReplyDeleteni bukan cerita berebut-rebut apa. just masing2 ada pandangan yang berbeza. yang paling penting topicnya pasal DAP letak calon melayu.
"Jangan lupa, dulu PAS dan DAP tak boleh duduk semeja. Mana ada PR sebelum dan semasa PRU-12. PKR lah yang jadi perantara." part ni kena refer balik. tapi sumbangan besaq anwar dlm mempersepadukan PR memang terbukti. mamamat mungkin ahli PKR, tapi kami bloggers kat perak ni beyond borders. kami fikir apa yang terbaik untuk rakyat. nak cakap pasal PKR kang boleh lencong. masing2 nak menang hujah.
looes74, im glad you have replied all things. this already becomes an interesting discussion. let me offer my sincere apologize if i was a bit harsh before. im young, so the blood is still hot :)
ReplyDeletethe possibility of me joining DAP? not yet, until DAP is seen as multiracial party. i dont even wanna join PKR or PAS. basically im a pragmatist. when the full moon i could even be an anarchist. for now, i remain in the 'priory'.
i feel, chinese especially will not vote for BN in near future no matter if UBN say DAP is a puppet to PKR or PAS. so theres no problem if PAS fielding non muslim candidate. the problem lies within malay community. the kampung people (and surprisingly, some urbanites) still have fear towards DAP, thanks to the MSM propagandas and not helping by the links between DAP n PAP. also the behaviours by karpal n sons dont help either. im wondering why these politicians act like they dont know 'public relations'.
the people like us local bloggers wont have problem voting for DAP.
i give 2 scenarios;
1. my mom - she was an english teacher teaching in various english schools (st george, k.e, convent and tmgs). she's also a die hard PR supporter. one day i asked her if DAP contests in her parliamentary facing umno, would she vote for DAP? she said "that one is a grey area, need lotsa soul searching to vote for DAP. maybe i dont vote at all". i believe this is shared by many of semi-urban malay PR supporters..just imagine, a normal middle class malay would think twice to cast a vote for DAP, how about rural folks?
i stress it again, this move is just not at the right time, until DAP has proven they really adapt to malaysian culture. the perception now; not enough. even LKS speak BM like *&%#.
to DAP, you need to cut these people; LKS, Karpal n sons, chen man hin. these people are seen as having secret agendas in conquering malaysia. dont get me wrong, i dont feel that, but to the general malay yes.
i wish dr burhanuddin succeeded in his 'semua kaum di malaya dikenali sebagai melayu'. so we dont have to discuss this now.
2. most of my umno and fence sitters' friends hate nizar so much for being a DAP puppet.can you set the mindset? im tired of this already.
ReplyDeletepandai cari topic? :)
the race issue is a long struggle. malaysia will be ready to vote not according to race when we have first world mindset. but malay especially dont read a lot. even if they read Koran they dont get the essence of it. someday it will happen.
ReplyDeletewe cant even abolish ISA now to start with.
ReplyDeleteIt's great to discuss issues with friend like you. Perhaps, we might different opinions on certain issues. Me close to DAP struggle but however sometimes, one got to work on one common platform
I have managed to read the Hansard, 27th May 1965. Just read the debate by Abdul Rahim Ishak (PAP) in page 65
Jenin & the rest of the gangs,
ReplyDeleteThe link to Malaysia Parliment Hansard, 27/5/1965
Interesting speeches by
1) Abdul Rahim Ishak,younger brother of Yang Dipertuan Negara of Singapore (Page 65)
2) Lee Kuan Yew, page 22 onwards
3) That Botak apa nama punya daddy, Page 60
ReplyDeleteits great to know you here. we'll rub shoulders someday.
thanks for the hansard. ill be checking them out soon.
also, the webmaster is hoping to get many responses. keep the related issues coming. :)
I may add a little here. the chance of me joining DAP will be 1/100, but i will
ReplyDeletesupport such move for someone else, providing he/she can speak like a moderate muslim in the mould of zaid ibrahim or ku li. thats good enough. tunku aziz? he has failed in potraying himself as a malay proxy in DAP. his chinese look dont help either. haha.
while it's not really a good idea to go against the leaders in PAS or PKR, but in DAP we need a Malay who will slap in the karpal's face if he talks cock about melayu. we are all aware everytime karpal opens his mouth the media will be playing his statements and will ridicule PR back in return.
how bad is karpal in my view? if he contests in my area i will not vote for him. why? for being ultra-straight-forwardly stupid. thus, putting DAP in mix-race constituencyis like putting ultra-straight-forwardly stupid hadi awang in Ipoh Timur constituency.
ReplyDeleteWell, at least, we come some agreement that those especially malays who join parties such as DAP are moderates. Frankly, I always felt that Zaid is more suitable to being in DAP. He's liberal in thinking and yet sosialis at heart.
Just like Abdul Rahim Ishak, the younger brother of the first Singapore President, Yusof Ishak. Yup, the one found as the portrait of every Singapore notes. If you have read his debate in the Malaysian parliment hansard, Abdul Rahim has given that Botak ex-minister punya bapak a big tight slap.
Then, all kinda insinuations, mischiefs hurled at LKY, PAP. Yet, they especially malays tidak berganjak & berpegang teguh atas prinsip parti. It also shows that it's not impossible of not having DAP malay candidates.
As long as it's not in conflict with PAS & PKR. Not asking parties to ask another parties to let go knowing that the constituencies won by that party. That's not right. Nor the incumbent party comes close in winning the seat.
As for Karpal, I am sorry to say that he's kinda misunderstood. Especially there are so many pro BN MSN protraying bad image of Karpal.
One thing you can't deny, Karpal has always been sticked to the his principle. Like LKY, his words are law & final. Yup, thank god, he's not the most influencial. Karpal can be made a good High Court Judge & 1000x better than Pandikar Amin.
OK, maybe you don't like because he's seen to annoy some malays' feeling. But rest assured, one would rather be with a person who is principled folk. Strictly to the law